Breast cancer

Breast Cancer- Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Diagnosis, Prevention

Introduction: Cancer is a broad term for a group of disorders characterized by abnormal cell proliferation with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.  It is developed as a result of mutations, or aberrant alterations, in the genes that regulate the proper growth and development of the cell. Breast cancer […]

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DNA fingerprinting- Definition, Principle, Steps, Applications

DNA fingerprinting, also known as DNA profiling or genetic fingerprinting, is a forensic technique that analyzes specific regions of an individual’s DNA to create a unique genetic profile, enabling the identification and comparison of individuals based on their DNA patterns, which has widespread applications in criminal investigations, paternity testing, and genetic research.

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Chromosome- Definition, Organisations, Structure, Disorders

Introduction: Chromosomes are thread-like structures that are found in the nucleus of both animal and plant cells. Each cell’s nucleus contains chromosomes that bundle the DNA molecule. DNA, a type of nucleic acid, is tightly wrapped around proteins called histones that stabilize the organization of each chromosome. History: In the late 1800s, scientists using a

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Human genome project- Introduction, Goals, Applications

Introduction: History: The HGP has an ultimate goal of identifying and locating the positions of all genes in the human body. A researcher named Renato Dulbecco first suggested the idea of such a project while the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) was also considering the same project because issues related to radiation and chemical exposure

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