Cell cycle, Checkpoints, Cyclins and Its Types: Introduction, External and Internal signals of cell cycle control

Introduction to Cell Cycle Regulation: Cell division is a very crucial phenomenon for normal growth, development and maintenance. But in a body of eukaryotes organisms such as humans, the rate of timing of cell division varies on the type of cells. For e.g., skin cells divide frequently throughout life time. However, specialized cells such as […]

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Cytoskeleton (CSK): Introduction, Components, Filaments, Protein, Diseases

Introduction: Cytoskeleton (CSK) is a complex, three-dimensional, dynamic network of interlinking protein filaments found in the cytoplasm of all cells which can be defined simply as “structural frame/ support of cells” (Cyto = Cell + Skeleton = structural support/ frame). It is a complex network of protein filaments or fibres along with motor proteins that

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One-gene-one enzyme hypothesis: Introduction, experiment

Introduction: In 1946, the relationship between genes and enzymes was first precisely emphasized by George Wells Beadle and Edward Lawrie Tatum which proposed one-gene-one enzyme hypothesis with respect to arginine synthesis. Arginine is a standard amino acid which is biosynthesized through series of biochemical pathway. Three different genes (Gene A, Gene B, and Gene C)

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Extremophilic Microorganisms: Introduction, Types and Applications

Introduction: The microorganisms are present in every nitch on the earth, except volcano and vacuum. These microorganisms have high adaptability. The majority of the microorganisms survive and grow in normal conditions like room temperature, around neutral pH, etc. But some microorganism survives and grow in extreme conditions like very high or very low temperature, salt

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Cell Interaction and Integration: Cell surface, Cell junctions, Cell signals

Introduction: Cell are to survive in varying conditions; therefore, they should be able to get stimuli and respond to differences caused in the environment. Such responses are based on the integration of several components or systems mediated by its membranes, receptors, chemicals, effectors, pH differences, etc. They perform appropriate activities that enhance the chances of

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Autophagy- Definition, Types, Mechanism, Regulations, Diseases

Introduction: Mechanism: Initiation: Autophagy is initiated by the activation of autophagy-related genes, which leads to the formation of a double-membraned vesicle called the autophagosome. Nucleation: The autophagosome is formed through a process called nucleation, which involves the assembly of a protein complex called the phagophore assembly site (PAS). The PAS consists of several proteins, including

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