The notes related to biology

Molecular basis of cancer: Oncogene,  Tumor suppressor Genes, Carcinogenesis, Mechanism of Action of Oncogenes

Mechanism of induction of cancer: It is a gradual multistep process involving many generations of cells. The cancer cells are genetically and phenotypically transformed cells having phenotypic features of malignancy like excessive growth, invasiveness, and distant metastasis. Normal cell growth is genetically controlled by four different types of regulatory control genes. The abnormality in these […]

Molecular basis of cancer: Oncogene,  Tumor suppressor Genes, Carcinogenesis, Mechanism of Action of Oncogenes Read More »

Tumor Suppressor Genes and Oncogenes: Introduction, p53 gene, RB gene and Two hit Hypothesis

Tumor suppressor Genes: Introduction Tumor suppressor genes code for protein which function to control cell division and ensure that it only occurs when necessary. It is also recognized as a guardian of gene. Tumor suppressor genes code for proteins involved in preventing cell cycle progression known as gate keepers and proteins involved in repairing DNA

Tumor Suppressor Genes and Oncogenes: Introduction, p53 gene, RB gene and Two hit Hypothesis Read More »

Isolation of Mitochondria

Aim: To isolate mitochondria from the given sample Objective: The isolation of mitochondria is useful in order to study and explore fundamental processes including mitochondrial respiration, metabolic activity, protein import, membrane fusion, protein complex assembly, as well as interactions of mitochondria with the cytoskeleton, nuclear encoded mRNAs, and other organelles.  Principle: The nucleus has two

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Oparin-Haldane theory: Modern theory of the origin of life, Miller and Urey’s Experiment

Background: Different scientists and philosophers have put forwards different explanation of origin of life on earth from time to time. Some of the most popular hypotheses about the origin of life include the following: Introduction:  Stages:  This theory possesses three stages: Chemogeny Biogeny Cognogeny Oxygen revolution: Early atmosphere transform from reducing to oxidising and the

Oparin-Haldane theory: Modern theory of the origin of life, Miller and Urey’s Experiment Read More »

The Complement System: Introduction, Types, Functions

Introduction: The complement system is a part of immune system to protect the body from foreign particles that can damage the body. Initially, complement was defined as “the activity of blood serum that completes the action of antibody induce a series of inflammatory responses that help to fight infection”. At present, the complement system consists of over

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Inflammation: Introduction, Causes, Components, Steps, Symptoms, Types, Complications

Introduction: Inflammation is a normal response of the living tissue to protect tissues from injury, infection, or diseases that bring cells and molecules of host defense to the sites in order to eliminate causative agents and restore tissue to normality. It is a part of innate immunity, a protective response of the living system. The

Inflammation: Introduction, Causes, Components, Steps, Symptoms, Types, Complications Read More »

Biogas plant: Introduction, Components, Substrate, Microbiology of Biogas

Introduction: Substrate: Components: Reception area A digester (or fermentation tank) Fig: Components of Biogas Plant A gas holder It is an air sealed tank preferably made in steel, provided with a gas outlet monitor that permits the biogas to come out of the system and produce energy and heat. It collects the gas generated during

Biogas plant: Introduction, Components, Substrate, Microbiology of Biogas Read More »

Neo- Darwinism or Modern Synthetic Theory of evolution: Introduction, Mutation, Genetic recombination, Natural selection, Genetic drift

Introduction: Darwin’s theory of origin of new species was supported by a number of scientists like Wallance, Haeckel, Weismann, Mendel etc. These supporters are known as the Neo-Darwinians, and the concept is called Neo-Darwinism. The modern synthetic theory explains the genetic basis of the adaptation of a population to new environmental conditions. It includes the

Neo- Darwinism or Modern Synthetic Theory of evolution: Introduction, Mutation, Genetic recombination, Natural selection, Genetic drift Read More »

Darwinism or theory of Natural Selection: Introduction, Facts, Objections

Introduction: Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), an English naturalist publishes his famous book “The Origin of Species by Natural Selection” in 1859. Darwin’s theory of natural selection is based on a mass of accurate observations and prolonged experimental led the whole scientific world to believe on the doctrine of evolution. Darwinism is based on several facts

Darwinism or theory of Natural Selection: Introduction, Facts, Objections Read More »

Lamarck, Evolution, and the Inheritance of Acquired Characters: Facts, Examples, Criticism

Theories of organic evolution: Organic evolution refers to the progression of life forms from simpler to more complex as a result of environmental changes and other factors. Evolution describes changes in the shape and behavior of organisms as they pass down through generations. It refers to the changes that occur within a population’s ancestry from

Lamarck, Evolution, and the Inheritance of Acquired Characters: Facts, Examples, Criticism Read More »